The mission of the Grassroots Organizing Working Group (GROW) is to facilitate coordination and communication between local Green Party organizers and groups.
GROW provides resources for collaboration, skill sharing and training in order to promote the strategic growth and diversity of the party.
GROW is specifically charged with facilitating voter registration activities and supporting the growth of active County Organizations. This includes working to:
• Coordinate County Organizations into statewide efforts to register Green Party voters, do public outreach, and increase diversity in the party;
• Provide training for County Organizations in tabling and other grassroots organizing activities;
• Develop, maintain, and provide resources for tabling efforts and organization of County Organization.
Get Involved
The Grassroots Organizing Working Groups meets by teleconference on the second Tuesday of every month and at state party meetings. Any Green Party member can participate. Working group members earn voting privileges when they attend at lease two working group meetings within two years.
To learn more, contact the GROW Co-Coordinator Rick Greenblatt (11/2021 - 11/2023) or Co-Chair and Coordinating Committee Liaison, (11/2021 - 11/2023), Barry Hermanson. Please include your name and county when emailing them.
VIDEO: How to register Green Party voters - Joe Louis Wildman (2012)
VIDEO: Jello Biafra - Register Green Party (2012)
VIDEO: Tips on Grassroots Organizing - Joe Louis Wildman (1992)