Approved February 5, 2009
#1. Election will be facilitated using the Central listserve and all announcing, discussing and voting will be done online on the Central Listserve.
#2. The election will be a six-week process. It opens with a one-week window to hear clarifying questions, concerns affirmations of the election process [timeline, counties participation etc.] and the election team.
#2.1 A two-week window to solicit candidate nominations, acceptance of nominations, and self-nominations will follow. Candidates' _must post_ an acceptance of their nomination and a brief bio online to the Central list. Candidates may self-nominate.
#2.2. The solicitation period will be followed by a three-week voting period for counties to register their vote online to the Central listserve.
#3. Candidates shall not serve on the election team for the election in which they are running.
#4. Each active county will have the same number of votes as it was allotted delegates for the preceding plenary. [Note: all counties have one vote each except Butte has 2 and Sacramento has 4.] Each county should cast their vote(s) online on the Central listserve, and county votes may be split to achieve proportional representation.
#5. Central's two CC reps will be elected at-large to two-year staggered terms by IRV with NOC on the ballot. The next highest vote getters will be first and second alternates respectfully providing they get more votes than NOC.
#6. A 50% quorum of active counties is required for a valid election.
#7. A single candidate for an election may be seated by consensus of 2/3rds of active counties. Any unresolved concern will necessitate an election. A simple majority is required for a passing vote.
#8. Candidates, who miss the nomination deadline, may run as a write-in candidate and _will not_ have their name printed on the ballot.