GPCA Press Releases

Green Party warns Brown that, like Egypt, the "have not's" can only take so much; Urge Governor to fix financial crisis by taxing the wealthy as they do the rest of us

Monday, January 31, 2011


SACRAMENTO - The Green Party of California warned Gov. Jerry Brown today - minutes before he gives his "State of the State" address - to not go down the same path as ex-Gov. Schwarzenegger by trying to solve California's financial crisis on the backs of workers and the poor.

VIDEO RESPONSE TO CA GOVERNOR BUDGET: Governor Fails to take advantage of 'historic opportunity' to fix state budget; continues trend of balancing budget on backs of workers, poor while protecting wealthy special interests

Monday, January 10, 2011

Gov. Brown missed an "historic opportunity" to fix California when he announced his budget Monday, and continues the trend of balancing the state's finances on the backs of working families through increased "regressive" taxes for vehicles and sales while allowing the wealthiest off the hook, said the Green Party of California.

Gov. Brown missed mark in his inaugural speech, charges Green Party gov candidate; CA poorest should not be asked to shoulder more austerity

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Gov. Brown's inaugural speech Monday was far off the mark, asking the poorest in state to shoulder more austerity even while the wealthiest in the state get wealthier, charged 2010 Green Party of California gubernatorial candidate Laura Wells.


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