Contact: Richard Gomez
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California Latino Greens holding elected office
Bruce Delgado, Mayor, Marina (Monterey County)
Gabriel Sanchez, Board of Trustees, Student Representative, Napa Valley College, Napa (Napa County)
Jose Lara, Vice President and Governing Board Member, El Rancho Unified School District, Pico Rivera (Los Angeles)
Avito Miranda, Governing Board Member, Trustee Area #1, Shoreline Unified School Distirct (Marin and Sonoma Counties)
Katherine Salinas, Governing Boardmember, Arcata School District, Arcata (Humboldt County)
Johanna A. Sanchez, Secretary, Historic Highland Park Neighborhood Council, Los Angeles (Los Angeles County)
Johanna A. Sanchez, At-Large Director, Historic Highland Park Neighborhood Council, Los Angeles (Los Angeles County)
Marisol Sanchez , Area 1 Seat, Boyle Heights Neighborhood Council, Los Angeles (Los Angeles County)